- causalweight::JCJob Corps data
- causalweight::coffeeleafletInformation leaflet on coffee production and environmental awareness of high school / university students in Bulgaria
- causalweight::couponData on daily spending and coupon receipt (selective subsample) This data set is a selective subsample of the data set "couponsretailer" which was constructed for illustrative purposes.
- causalweight::couponsretailerData on daily spending and coupon receipt A dataset containing information on the purchasing behavior of 1582 retail store customers across 32 coupon campaigns.
- causalweight::gamesSales of video games
- causalweight::indiaIndia's National Health Insurance Program (RSBY)
- causalweight::rkdSwedish municipalities
- causalweight::swissexperCorrespondence test in Swiss apprenticeship market
- causalweight::ubdurationAustrian unemployment duration data
- causalweight::wexpectWage expectations of students in Switzerland